PEACE WATERS, directed by Shima Shanti features contemporary artists who share Shima’s unifying and universal philosophy – “Art is language that speaks to those who listen with their heart.”  

Founded in 2018 in San Diego, Peace Waters is dedicated to those who seek artwork with deep personal meaning. Shima’s curated collections are expressions of two-dimensional materiality painted in rare art forms, in particular Encaustic.

“The mission of my gallery is founded on the personal connection of collector and artist; 
a synergy that is not easily established through the internet and intermediary.”

Peace Waters is small but respected. Its presence at celebrated and prestigious art fairs includes Art Palm Beach, LA Modern + Contemporary, Hamptons Fine Art Fair, Seattle Art Fair, Scottsdale Art Week, and Art Market San Francisco, among others.

“There are many artworks that will catch your eye.
Some artworks may touch you deeply. Only a few will speak to you.”

This is Peace Waters.